Thursday, January 6, 2011


the 24 days of advent have been succeeded by the 12 days of christmas, and i am plugging away, slowly but surely, at my advent calendar knitalong.  it's such a fun knit, because it never gets boring.  once you get tired of a lace repeat, you do your transition rows and move on to the next beautiful pattern (she has used traditional estonian lace stitches).  above, a clip of days 1-5, featuring my first nupps on day 2.  they don't really show up much on this colorway, but it's been fun doing them nonetheless.

here's the whole thing up through day 8 (so 1/3 complete), wrapped around a european size pillow (26" wide).  i used weed-whacker line for blocking wires to stretch it out.  it worked pretty well!  we had beautiful sunlight this morning, but it has clouded up this afternoon.  i was hoping for a better picture; however, the color is pretty true.  click on the picture to see much bigger.

this is how i'm tracking rows on the kindle -- with notes.  on this note, i've just completed row 12.

1 comment:

M.L. Shioda said...

so happy to see the Kindle doing it's part in helping with the knitting